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Clean Eating: Day 3

Waking up on Day 3 was a doozie after dreaming about pizza all night, but hey just another Wednesday.

MIND YOU-- lots of switching n stuff going on today, it's Ash Wedesday and we can't eat meat!

Tart cherry overnight oats (we switched this to Tuesday though!)

Leftover turkey stuffed acorn squash (big Ash Wednesday no no)

Roasted chickpea snack

Kabocha soup (I don't know either)

Dark chocolate

So clearly, we really stuck with Wednesday's menu.

For breakfast we subbed in the carrot cake oatmeal. Super filling, and really great! I'd suggest hiring someone to peel your carrots though, because that was far too much work. And cut the carrot strips short, we had long stringy carrots and it got weird. But all in all, great breakfast!

Since we couldn't eat the leftover turkey stuffed acorn squash, we subbed in Thursday's lunch of barley, cucumber and tofu salad with the orange vinaigrette.

We actually did the tofu thing this time, but I cut it into cubes and tossed it with balsamic via a Pinterest receipe I found. Good news: it didn't taste completely terrible. Bad news: it tasted pretty terrible.

I'm all for tofu, but mostly in miso soup. I picked around my balsamic baked chunks of nothing and ate the barley and cucumbers.

The roasted chickpease (leftover from earlier in the week) were getting a little stale, so I ate a few pita chips on the side. I limited myself to only 1 bag.

It was actually only 5 chips and I regret not eating the full bag.

If you are taking the time to actually read the Buzzfeed menu that goes along with each day (it's linked in the underlined words up top!) you'll see that the kabocha soup was some type of squash, curried and mixed with tempeh, which for lack of a better term is a soy product.

Sounds delicious, if you change the squash to tomato sauce and the tempeh to ground beef and call it chili.

So, we made vegetable soup instead (no meat, again). We took homemade vegetable stock and bagged stir fry veggies and combined the two for a less than hearty dinner.

We're supposed to be fasting anways, or so I keep telling myself.

This weekend will be an interesting test of the challenge: I work doubles on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! Send us your luck and any alcohol you have laying around.

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